
Sunday, July 3, 2011

Well it has been some time

But I think my blog is just way to cute to no be using! So I am going to clean it up, since mostly it was just for cheer moms website stuff, and we now have our own website :)
Hope you will check back!


  1. Welcome back! I am glad I found you.

  2. Hello Nikki…

    I’m writing you today on behalf of my wife Marley Gibson and her new book “Radiate” which is a fictionalized version of what she went through as a teenage cheerleader with cancer.


    I wanted to reach out to you personally. We would both love a mention on your blog discussing Radiate. I can provide you with an electronic advanced reader copy (ARC) for your review purposes.

    I hope you’ll consider a blurb on your website to help us promote this important and highly motivating story.

    Thanks so much and I look forward to hear from you!

    Sincerely,-Patrick Burns
