
Friday, June 11, 2010

Why must people just hate on my Blog?

Okay, so here's my own personal question of the day- why must people hate on my blog? I do relise that I don't have a normal "Mommy" blog- and I also realise that people do have some intresting thoughts about cheerleading, esp "allstars" but hell I am still a good read...lol I am funny, and snarky and I come up with some good stuff. So why is it that I struggling to get readers, for real!!!


  1. I love your blog :) I think we have a similar way of viewing life and I may not be as much a cheer mom as you...I'm a beginner...you are fun to read! Just keep on keeping on...you never know when you will hit the right moment on the blogosphere and be discovered. I will tell you that one way to get more is linking...swappping links is like swapping love. It gets you more just by giving it!

  2. Thank you so much!! You made my day!!

  3. Nikki, I am sorry you are struggling with readers. I am not sure that I actually HAVE readers. I host reviews and giveaways and I think people follow for the sake of them, but not sure they READ the posts I do that are NOT giveaways... I wish I knew the answer! Anyway I am following you and I will stop back and visit again :) http://onescrappymom.com

  4. Nik...You are ahead of me. I guess it would help if I actually made time to blog! HAHA! I have some on hold...but you know what they are holding for...I am just about to put them on my OWN blog! Love ya!

  5. Funny and snarky is exactly what I like - yay! Looking forward to reading more. Don't worry, followers will find you!

    Following you from fff mbc - I'm here: blog.seattlepi.com/parentingadabsurdum/, if you get a chance to drop by :).

  6. Thanks so much!! I am working on posting some this week- I have just been so busy that I havent had a whole lot of time for anything!
